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Grad shape

Refund Policy

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We do not provide any refund. All purchases are final and non-refundable. Neither full refund nor partial refund will be issued.

Some purchases give you very clear instructions on what to do in order to subscriptions get activated properly on time (like, having same email in sign in form and payment form) and so on. It is your responsibility to read any given instructions and follow the instructions properly while making any purchase. By purchasing any subscription you acknowledge that you are aware that there might be some delay between you making the payment for subscription and your subscription getting activated. Delay in activating your subscription won't result in issuing any refund.

Please do your own research before making any purchase on this site. We do not make any promise that our services and our content would meet your requirements and expectations.

If you do not want to renew your subscription, it is your responsibility to cancel the subscription before subscription renewal date. Failure to do so will not result in issuing any refund.

This refund policy is very important for us to protect us from abuse of our services and keep prices for our services low and sustainable.